Sunday, May 27, 2012

Why Twitter is Important for Your Business

Social Media and Business

Alright, I have been rather lazy about social media marketing. Word of mouth and personal introductions have gotten me by for my college career, but now that college will soon be ending and I will be entering into the workforce (not surrounded by 5 to 10,000 different people everyday) I have decided to take a leap and start marketing online. So, I am now learning: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

I am somewhat familiar with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and have actually helped create a web development firm, "Straight Shot Web Design" a company that has a flat rate for: Developing your website, hosting your website, and blogging on your behalf as well as provide SEO services. So, that aspect of marketing I am not to rusty on. Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn on the other hand are a little more challenging. 

Out of the three social networking sites my biggest difficulty has been getting my Twitter, for Investor Savant, up and running. I think it is simply my niche market, but that is just an excuse for me to be lazy because there are countless twitter accounts that function incredibly well in the industry. So, I have been reading for the past week on how to increase my Twitter followers.

What I have learned; Hash tags are important, Tweeting at people helps, Re-tweeting other tweets by smaller users (100 or less followers) is beneficial, and following people back has worked.
I am currently implementing a strategy I read about where if you follow certain "celebrity tweeters" that they will auto-follow you back. So, this will garner a link "So and So is now following So and so" and it will link back to your twitter, so you potentially have a 100-10,000 twitter accounts seeing your twitter.
Another strategy I am working is simply asking people to follow me on twitter, that hasn't actually caught on because most people I have talked to aren't familiar with twitter. I find that to be a bit strange as it is more popular than Pintrest. 

I am also tweeting more frequently. I was reading that you ideally want to tweet 2-3 times per day to build up a solid base of tweets because people who are on the fence about following you are more likely to follow someone who will keep them up to date.


So, why is twitter important? The market is huge, I am working with a game development company right now on funding their project and twitter has become a focal point for starting a viral campaign. If we can get re-tweets from a few game developers, graphic designers, game reviewers, or gaming journalist then it will be a major boost for the companies awareness and the cost will be minimal!

That is my view on twitter; It allows for entrepreneurs to easily create viral marketing campaigns to increase brand awareness for minimal costs. If your company is not using twitter I would highly encourage you build one and start tweeting! If you are unsure about where to even start tweeting in your industry feel free to contact me, or if you would like to just remove the nuisance of having to worry about keeping your twitter updated with new industry related content and managing your followers you should contact  Joseph at Straight Shot Web Design and see if he is still taking clients for his twitter services.   

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